Nikon D4 Series

Today Nikon announced a new flagship camera, the Nikon D4s.

The D4s is a speed demon shooting 40% faster than the D4.

Here are a few more of the differences:

Image Processing Engine D4S: EXPEED 4 30% faster Increased number of shots Higher video quality at high ISO Supports 1080 60p More shots per charge
(D4 Processing Engine EXPEED 3)

ISO Sensitivity Range: 100 to 25,600 Lo1 (ISO 50) to Hi4 (ISO 409,600)
(D4 Range is 100-12,800 ISO)

RAW SIZE S: 12-bit uncompressed
(D4 no)

Advanced Scene Recognition System: Group Area AF added

Face Priority analysis for viewfinder shooting: On/Off possible with custom setting
(D4 Always On)

Spot White Balance when using Live View
(D4 No)

Price Info : USD 6500

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