More Lightroom resources for you, this time it's free Lightroom training...

This is to "compliment" our Lightroom posts from last week, the first being where to download your "Free Lightroom Quick Start Guide" and the other was the bazzilion "Free Lightroom Presets" post.

If you are looking for Lightroom video training, this is the list for you:

1. Let's start with Anthony Morganti, he has put together an amazing 38 video series on using Lightroom

2. Shutha is a free online training resource and one of their courses is an extremely comprehensive exploration of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom taught by Lightroom expert Peter Krogh

3. Then there is 100 Ways Adobe Lightroom Kicks Adobe Bridge's A$$ for Photographers! from Scott Kelby

4. No list would be complete without having the long running Lightroom Killer Tips from Matt Kloskowski

5. B&H Photo has a 4 video series "Digital Photography Summit" filled with almost 4 hours of Lightroom training

This is proof you can get really good stuff for free.

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